Amalgam Database
Ferro Man

Ferro Man

Ferro Man (Piotr Rasputin) is the Amalgam of Marvel Comics' Colossus and DC Comics' Ferro Lad.


Piotr Rasputin and his twin brother Alexi were all each other had, since their mother hated them both for their deformed faces and only loved their beautiful little sister Amaya. While saving Alexi's life from an oncoming truck, Piotr changed into living metal, stopping the truck from hitting Alexi. Discovering that Piotr was a metmutant while he was not, Alexi's jealousy drove him away leaving Piotr alone.

Piotr was later recruited by Niles Cable, a mysterious traveler from the future, to join his team the X-Patrol. In their first appearance (X-Patrol #1), Ferro Man and his fellow metamutants were soon involved in the siege of Latkovia against Doctor Doomsday.
